The calm in the middle of the storm

The moon over the forest

A beautiful sunset

Fiery cloud

A rainbow (I'll admit I don't think there was
really a rainbow, it was probably the way that I held my camera or the way the sun went through the trees... whatever it was, I like the final product).
If you take the time to look around, even from your bedroom window (most of these pictures, believe it or not, are taken from my window), you might see something beautiful.
Les fotos, de nou, precioses. I fetes de la teva finestra. Val, la veritat és que vius a un lloc supercalifragilisticespialidòs! No tothom té eixes vistes de sa finestra ... Però el bo que fas és que aprofites la teva situació, que no tothom sap o pot fer-ho. Molt bo, de debó!
Molts records a la família -
Again, the pictures are wonderful. And taken from your window. Well, the truth is that you live in a supercaliphragilisticexpialidosus place! Not everybody has such views from their windows ... But the good thing about you is that you make the most of your situation; not everybody knows how to or can do it. Again, beautiful!
Love to the family -
Wow! Those are beautiful, Estrella! I love that calm in the middle of a storm! And the fiery cloud, awesome! You take such wonderful pictures.
niiice pics as usual!!
aver si me pasas las qe nos icimos, i las de la luna qe no se paraba de mover dish LoL--
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