Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More on blurry pictures- and cats

This picture is a picture of Vainilla exploring the garden. It would be great if it weren't blurry, you might think. However, the blurriness of the feet just gives a more defined look of movement, which is exactly what the picture was meant to capture.

You can use the movement of an animal to your advantage, as you can see.

On the other hand, this picture, while it is similar, gives a different mood to the little kitten. He's still moving, but not quite as much, and he looks rather curious. This is one of the reasons why you shouldn't settle for one or two pictures. A digital camera, especially, gives you the possibility to take several hundred pictures, which, naturally, gives you a higher percentage of good pictures. If there are two-hundred pictures of a cat, a good fifty are likely to be very good and maybe twenty will be great.

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