Wednesday, November 12, 2008


In this picture, I also used the lowest aperture settings. By the way, I will admit that I don't know much about aperture and other settings like that, but, like I have done, I would encourage you to stop using the "auto" settings and try new things. At first, your pictures may not be that great but the more you try different settings, the less you will want to use "auto" and the better your pictures will turn out.
Also, for this picture of a dandelion, I used slightly low exposure in order to make the lovely petals stand out more and the background less, something that I also achieved with the aperture, giving the picture a very shallow depth of field, which is what makes those nice little blurry dots in the background, which are called a "bokeh" and really add personality to your images.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I like the blurry dots a lot, but I've never been able to *make* them come out!
The dandelion is very pretty! What was your wish?

Estrelleta said...

No wish, pretty sure I actually tossed it back into the bushes. Sorry.
I'm pretty sure your camera won't make bokeh easily, but to be honest I used my mom's camera to do that. My current one will not allow me to tamper with aperture nor shutter speed priority nor many other things.