Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Hi! This is Estrelleta.
I've been toying with the idea of creating a blog for myself for a long time, okay, four months. The whole reason I didn't do it right away was because I knew that I would be away most of the summer, and, well, creating a blog and directly abandoning it (not to mention forgetting my password) is not the best of starts. Also, I didn't know if I would always have much to say. What can I tell other people that they don't already know?
Looking through my pictures I realized that one of my passions, photography, is an excellent subject for a blog. So, I hope that you like my photos, and if you don't, too bad. I'll be publishing my favorite pictures. Later on, if somebody wants me to, I can also publish my worst pictures and explain what went wrong, or give some simple tips to improve your photography skills.
Anyway, look around and enjoy!


Adasa Aeneas said...

Bienvenida al mundo Blogger... ya verás que esto engancha... ups, no quiero decir que yo lo esté jajaja!! A mi me gusta mucho, puedes poner lo que quieras en cada momento, porque es tuyo. Pues nada, que tengas un buen comienzo con tu blog, y acuérdate de nosotros los que te leemos. Un beso muy fuerte!


Adasa Aeneas said...

Ahh por cierto!!! soy la primens!! jajaja